About Us

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The Idea of Ayyan Molecular Products was generated by Mr. Ajmal Khan in 2009 keeping in view the demand of the market in diagnostics and research field. Later on Mr. Wajahat Khan is carrying the legacy of his father from last 12 years.

Since 2020 we had extended our company to Ayyan Molecular Products from sole enterprise entity to a private limited company by taking two incredible professional and biotech experts Dr Muhammad Qasim and Dr Asad Ali on board. In these past 12 years Ayyan Molecular Products has been ensuring reliable and quality products at competitive prices to the prestigious educational and research institutes and clinical laboratories across Pakistan.

Hardworking Sales and Technical team is making sure that our products continue to sell with complete satisfaction of all our customers while keeping in view of customer’s priorities. Our assortment includes some of the reputed companies of world from China, South Korea, Europe and USA. We are the Pakistan leading Biotech and Medical Supplies company who has a complete list of solution. We won President of Pakistan, presidential award for being of Pakistan leading suppliers of COVID19 products for public and private sector in Pakistan. 

Wajahat Khan

Dr Muhammad Qasim (PhD)

Asad Ali

Masoom Khan

Abrar Khan